Musique (C00)

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Revision as of 07:32, 31 May 2024 by Derial (talk | contribs)
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This trinket is REMOVED. Reason is that it's a placeholder.

Description N/A
ID C00
Creator Microsorèx
Obtainment Method Unknown
Tradable Yes
Stock 100
Rarity Cassette

"Hein!? What's this, mon ami? A test trinket named after a French word? Ooh là là, count me in!"

(I'm going to make this entire page for this trinket have a french tone to it lamo...)


Ah, le fond de Musique a une couleur de raisin, n'est-ce pas? C'est ravissant!

(The background of Musique is a grape shade, isn't it? It's delightful!)


  • Musique is a placeholder, a façon de tester the art on.
  • Musique is technically a placeholder, but it's still the first cassette that was made during the In-Dev phase for Baubles, n'est-ce pas?
  • "Hein!? What's this, mon ami? A trinket named 'Musique' that has no music? Très ironique, non?"