Trinket collecting

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Trinket Guide

Ah so you need some basic information on trinkets?

Lucky you! This page has all the typical things you need to know on Baubles!

Lets start with the basics:

Trinket Categories

So we'll start with Normal Trinkets

Theres 5 Rarities within the Normal Tier

Ultra Rare

These 5 rarities represent how much value a trinket is worth when trying to obtain/sell them.

(Okay at the time your seeing this. We really don't know what's the chances yet but we'll use estimated guesses)

Rarity (ESTIMATED) Percentage To Get Selling Price
50% Chance
10 Credits
25% Chance
20 Credits
12% Chance
30 Credits
Ultra Rare
5% Chance
40 Credits
2% Chance
50 Credits